The “Sehnsucht” tour goes on in Bergamo and Lanciano

After the positive response reached in Edinburgh from the Scottish public, “Sehnsucht” continues to involve the Company in festivals and theatres in Italy also. Here two other Summer dates:

  • Festival Danza Estate: the Company will be hosted by dance BUS, an urban performance project promoted by the Lombard network of entertainment and theatrical dance card, during the public event to be held in Bergamo, on the 2nd of July, at 6.00 pm, in via Don Luigi Palazzolo 23 / c.
  • FLIC, Festival Lanciano in Contemporanea: the multidisciplinary festival, which this year obtained the recognition of the Ministry of Culture for the high artistic and social value of its proposal, has included “Sehnsucht” in its programming. The appointment is for Friday the 29th of July, at 9.00 pm, at the Teatro Fenaroli in Lanciano (CH).