Lost Movement and its new “Visioni in Danza” at the Estate Sforzesca 2021

The Lost Movement Company will once again be a guest of the prestigious Estate Sforzesca Festival, promoted by the City of Milan during Summer.

“Visioni in Danza 2021” will be staged on Saturday the 3rd of July, at 8.45 pm, in the evocative setting of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. The stage will be shared by the Lost Movement Company and by the graduating students of the Centro di Alta Formazione per la Danza ArteMente.

Three different creations will leave the audience suggestive images, which investigate classicism and modernity, in a three-moment evening choreographed by Silvia Gribaudi, Nicolò Abbattista and Christian Consalvo:

  • “Stabat Mater”, by Nicolò Abbattista and Christian Consalvo for Lost Movement. Stabat Mater is a liturgical chant that represents the poignant moment in which Mary loses her son. A scream of pain from the past that becomes excruciating in the present. The classical sounds are re-elaborated in a contemporary key by the composer Filippo Ripamonti, making it a song that unites past and present. On the stage the audience admire a suspended moment in which we remember who we are, where we go and who we decide to be. The syncopated movement of the dance combined, with the post-modern rhythm of the live-set, marks a point of no return for what has been and what will be. The Earth cries its children remembering who has gone, to commemorate who is lost and to welcome who will come.
  • “Spring”, by Silvia Gribaudi with the graduating students of the Centro di Alta Formazione per la Danza ArteMente. Spring is a performance inspired by the show Graces by Silvia Gribaudi herself, which investigates the theme of beauty and harmony according to the study of Antonio Canova’s Three Graces. Spring is a word with many meanings: elasticity, spring of nature, gush, jump, bring out. Spring is the source, but also the breaking and revealing.
  • “Ballroom”, by Nicolò Abbattista and Christian Consalvo with the graduating students of the Centro di Alta Formazione per la Danza ArteMente. Ballrooms are places to meet, places where revolutions have been written. The choreographic creation focus the research on one of the primordial instincts of the human being: the desire to move. The dancers meet and relate in a dance that expresses anger, sensuality and peace.

Performer for the Lost Movement Company: Laura Volpe
Assistant to choreography: Enrico Luly

Info and contact HERE.